You’ll never convince me it’s true! A story on Reuters this week stated that organic food has no nutritional or health benefits over ordinary food. The study was conducted by an apparently well respected research institute in London (from the quick Google search I did). The reporter instinct in me is skeptical on many levels.
More importantly, those findings go against my gut intuition. I don’t doubt that nutrient levels can be somewhat comparable between organic and conventionally grown produce, but common sense dictates that produce without pesticides and chemicals overall is better for you than produce with pesticides and chemicals…no matter how low the levels are.
I’ve been buying organic produce for more than 20 years. I used to have to drive to Austin to find it, but thank goodness, not anymore. With all the pollutants our bodies fight off on a daily basis, if given a choice and if it’s affordable, I’ll take organically grown produce without all the chemicals every time.
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