I’m determined to drop about five pounds. It’s those couple of extra pounds here and there that start to add up and before you know, bam! You’re jeans don’t fit.
My husband wants to lose some weight too, so we’ve embarked on a diet together. We’re doing the My Fit Foods diet, which is very easy to do because you are required to eat 3 meals a day and two snacks in between. No caffeine and no wine are the big drawbacks for me.
In any event, after nearly two weeks on the diet I’ve lost two pounds, and my husband has lost NINE! Why is it so much easier for men?!
In any event, I’m going to develop a healthy eating recipe section on my website, so stay tuned for that. Meantime, I asked Rosie Benner, the registered dietician who develops all the recipes for all the HEB’s to come up with three health dishes for those of us who are embracing the ‘D’ word.
She has an easy high protein shake, a tangy chicken enchilada casserole and a tasty recipe for Italian turkey rolls. They’re all on my website in the recipe section, plus, you can watch Rosie prepare them as well.
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