This time of year in the Texas Hill Country is simply majestic! Rolling acres…lots of wildlife…the scenic views. Why not venture out into the great outdoors and get lost for an afternoon? Recently, I decided to pay a visit to my friend Ross Burtwell, the Executive Chef and Owner at the Cabernet Grill, part of the charming bed and breakfast enclave known as the Cotton Gin Village out in Fredericksburg, TX.
Here you can really turn back the clock with a stay in one of their 19th century-inspired log cabins…fully modernized on the interior of course! There are rustic, stone fireplaces in each lodging, complete with a covered porch (and double rocker!), a Jacuzzi and easy access to the property’s koi pond and live music garden. What fun! And the ambiance? Perfectly serene.
Above all else, the warm hospitality you receive from the staff makes you feel right at home. That’s exactly what you can expect from this upcoming event as well! Experience the best of the Texas Hill Country at the Cabernet Grill for a special wine pairing dinner on Thursday, August 11th. Each of the five gourmet dishes served is to be joined by a particular Tuscan wine from the award-winning Grape Creek Vineyards…see below. Happy trails!
Texas Winemaker Series
Vintner Dinner
August 11th, 2011
Featuring the Wine Makers of Grape Creek Vineyards
Thursday August 11 th, 6:30 P.M. / $59.95 per person plus tax and 20% gratuity
For reservations call 830-990-5734 / Advance purchase required
Jumbo Lump Blue Crab
with avocado and coconut lime broth
Grape Creek Cuvee Blanc
Texas Gulf Shrimp
Smoked pepper crema, cucumber, dill
Grape Creek Pinot Grigio
Charbroiled Lockhart Quail
with jalapeno waffles and cayenne honey glaze
Grape Creek Cabernet Blanc
“Harvest Ver-jus” Braised Veal Breast
Crispy eggplant, summer tomato and dry jack polenta
Grape Creek Bellissimo (Sangiovese-Merlot Blend)
Citrus Poached Fredericksburg Peaches
with Muscat Sabayon and Lavender Shortbread
Grape Creek Muscat Canelli
Wow this saounds amazing. I ahve to go out to visit this winery.
What a treat this would be!
I am so disappointed that my husband and I will be on vacation and will miss this spectacular pairing of my two favorite Fredricksburg gems, Cabernet Grill and Grape Creek! My favorite Grape Creek wines are Cabernet Blanc and Bellissimo (well, tied with Mosiac!) The menu sounds fantastic. Please do this again in the near future. …T in San Antonio
Don’t want to drive to Fredericksburg? Grab some friends and let us do the driving in one of luxury limousines. Our Lincoln Navigators hold 10 to 12 passengers. Listen to your favorite tunes and sip some wine on the way to and from this wondergul event!
Call us for reservations. $399.00 plus tip
For Reservations:
210 408 7827