Twenty one hours of consecutive yoga, and you’re invited! Certified instructor, Tyler Dendle, wrote me an impassioned letter, sharing her idea of a 21-hour class, where people from all walks of life can enjoy as many yoga classes as they want in this time frame.
Tyler says that although she is not a political person, she was inspired by Ted Cruz and the 21-hour filibuster. She thought maybe if he took a stand and was so passionate about something, so could she — with yoga!
The class will commence at 9pm on Friday, November 29th and end at 6pm the following Saturday at the lululemon athletica La Cantera Shops. Tyler’s hope is to create a larger yoga community and offer a place of peace during the holidays.
A schedule of classes is available online at:
Tyler completed her training with Baron Baptiste in Hawaii and Kenya, Africa. One class in particular during the 21-hour period will be taught by James Thairu, from Kenya via Skype. His brother Walter Mugwe, was featured on CNN for his work with the Africa Yoga Project. See the video here!
Tyler believes yoga is a right that everyone should have the knowledge to share with others. And a great stress reliever! Unwind from work and take advantage of this special event going on in San Antonio.
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#21houryoga #takeastand #filibusterforyoga
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