[stream base=x:/goodtaste.tv/wp-content/uploads/videos/ flv=gem14_mondavi-crush_sd.flv img=gem14_mondavi-crush_preview.jpg mp4=gem14_mondavi-crush_iphone.mp4 embed=true share=false width=640 height=352 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=high title=Mondavi Crush autostart=false opfix=true /]
What a fun weekend! Rob and Lydia Mondavi recently invited me to their ‘Crush for Beauty’ event in Napa. It’s a big day because Rob harvests the cabernet grapes from his Osso vineyards for his wine, and Lydia uses everything but the grape juice for her 29 Cosmetics. Turns out those grape seeds may pack a powerful punch… they contain anti-oxidants that work to make your skin look younger. You can find 29 Cosmetics exclusively at Neiman Marcus stores.
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