Check out the new Martha Stewart “Living” magazine. Diana Barrios Trevino and San Antonio ‘Tex-Mex’ food are prominently featured inside. The article takes a brief look at the origins of our favorite ‘local’ food—ever heard of the ‘chili queens’— but mainly focuses on a number of the delicious traditions we all enjoy. It’s a fun read.
Remember when La Margarita first opened in the ‘80s and what a big deal those incredible sizzling fajitas were? Jorge Cortez (his dad Pete Cortez & family own the legendary Mi Tierra) put fajitas on the map, and they’re now served at restaurants all over!
Grab a copy. The story is well told by our own Ron Bechtol. But get ready…you’re gonna be hungry when you finish reading. If you’d like to see Diana prepare one of her signature dishes from Los Barrios and La Hacienda click here.
I’ve also got the recipe for her popular Sangria in my recipe section. Search “Los Barrios” on my home page.
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