Saturday, I’ll have the arduous task of judging dishes prepared by some of the top chefs in our area – tough job, right! Okay, so my part is pure fun, but the chefs competing will no doubt be stressing behind the scenes. They’re each given a ‘basket of food items’ with instructions to prepare a 3 course menu. This all happens at the Culinary Institute of America over at Pearl. The winners will be announced that evening at a fabulous dinner at the delightful Zinc Bistro and Bar.
Here’s the official news release for more info….
The Chaîne des Rôtisseurs Bailliage de San Antonio will once again host this year’s annual Southwest Region Jeunes Commis Competition (Culinary Competition) on Saturday, March 13, 2010. The competition will be held at the Culinary Institute of America, San Antonio located at 312 Pearl Parkway, Building C, San Antonio TX 78215, 210-222-1113. This year marks the second consecutive year the competition has been held in San Antonio. Joel Klein is Bailli Provincial Southwest and Randy Mathews, Boudro’s Restaurant, is Conseiller Culinaire Provincial.
The Southwest Regional Competition will begin on Saturday, March 13th at 8:00am. Contestants will receive an identical mystery basket and will compose a three-course menu of their choice to be prepared for four Judges, consisting of Appetizer, Main Course, and Dessert. After examining the mystery basket, competitors shall have 30 minutes to write a three course menu. Once the menu is completed, they will have 3 hours to prepare the 3 courses and must begin the presentation to the Judges.
This year, the Judges for the competition will be Moe Lazri, Tanji Patton, Hinnerk von Bargen, Chris Dempster, Robbie Nowlin, Steven Goldberg and John Marotta.
The Southwest Regional Competition will comprise 8 contestants from 3 states. This year’s contestants will be Joshua Cormier, Ryan Hallsted, Phil Wheeler, Christopher White, Sierra Segura, Crockett Wessels, Gavin Librant and Joe Gallero. The winner will advance to the National Competition to be held May 20-23, 2010 in Seattle, Washington. The National Competition will be comprised of the winners from the 9 United States Regions. The winner from the National Competition will compete in the International Competition to be held September 16, 2010 in Helsinki, Finland.
Winners will be announced at the Recognition Banquet Saturday night at 7:00pm. The location will be at Charles Court and Zinc Bistro and Wine Bar.
The Chaîne des Rôtisseurs is an international gastronomic society devoted to promoting fine dining and preserving the camaraderie and pleasures of the table. The Chaîne des Rôtisseurs awards scholarships to further the advancement of Culinary studies. The U.S. Chaine contributes over $250,000 a year for culinary scholarships, including, in the last 10 years, over $15,000 locally to the Culinary Program at St. Philips College.
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